We also had a great time at church on the 4th of July. She really enjoyed all of the patriotic music! We, of course, went swimming later. She had lots of fun goofing around in the pool with everyone. She is definitely silly and likes to cut up! She pretty much stayed in the pool all day. And of course my "mother hen" instincts kicked in. I was worried about her getting sunburned, her skin is so fair compared to us. I'm sure I was pestering her by following her around spraying her with sunscreen a couple of times! But she tolerated it well. LOL! Later we had to almost drag her out of the pool promising that we would go see fireworks! We were all very tired and water logged, but we managed to "ooh and ahh" while we watched. She really enjoyed it. It was a wonderful holiday.
Monday she had a dentist appointment. She seemed impressed with all of the technology. She did very well during the cleaning. And she was happy when they told her she was a good brusher! Unfortunately she needs some work done. We had our first of four visits today. She has a couple of small cavities that the dentist wanted to fix before they became a problem. And he wanted to redo all of her past fillings as well. The quality of dentistry in these countries is usually not state of the art, and it was obvious in her work. He wanted her to have fillings that would last forever and wouldn't give her problems later. He really wanted to make sure that everything was done correctly. Dr. Pafford is such a wonderful dentist and I'm so thankful that he is donating his time and services. Santa on the other hand wasn't thrilled with everything. Well, who does like to have work done on their teeth? No one! She did well though considering she was probably scared out of her mind. I think it really stressed her out because she didn't want to go swimming this afternoon and wanted to take a nap. Of course her teeth were sore. After her nap though, she was back to her perky self.
I was also able to take Santa and meet with friends at a coffee shop the other night. One of them is fluent in Russian. And it was great to have someone translate so we could actually have a conversation. I learned more about her likes and dislikes (there aren't many dislikes). And she opened up and shared about her usual daily routine at the orphanage and school. She shared that her "group," which consists of 6 girls, helps cook and prepare meals in the kitchen every Wednesday night at the orphanage. They all rotate and help out in different areas on different nights. It was very interesting to learn more about her. We had a great time and I think she was happy to be able to chat away and answer questions while Inga interpreted for us. Santa is happy to be here and is having a great time. I'm happy to know that for sure! Thanks Inga! We'll have to do it again!
We were also pleasantly surprised that when we had our Bible time tonight she said she wanted to pray too! After she prayed, Philip asked her what she prayed about and we figured out that she prayed the Lord's Prayer! We are happy that she seems open to the things of the Lord. And we are continuing to pray for God to show Himself to her in a mighty way. We want her to know that she has a Heavenly Father that loves her very much. We are looking forward to see what God has in store for her.
We'll keep updating and sharing all that is happening with us. Please keep all of us in your prayers! (Hannah and Kayla have had to adjust too! They have another person trying to "mother" them right now too! Which has been a concern of Hannah's a couple of times. But they are handling everything better than I thought. I'm so thankful they seem to be taking it all in very well.) Check back later for more updates!
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