Thursday, September 15, 2011

Washing clothes... in the bath tub?

Our washing machine is broken.

It has been broken for a few days now.

My Mr. Fixit husband is waiting on a part that he ordered to fix it. It should arrive in the next day or two.

Meanwhile... the clothes are piling up!!! Arg!

Ahhh, what's a mom to do??? I thought about taking some clothes to wash at one of our moms' houses, but I decided to do this instead. I am so glad I did!

You should have seen their faces when they saw me throwing clothes in the bath tub!

We're going to wash clothes in the bath tub?!

They thought it was hysterical!

Instead of crushing grapes, they're stomping clothes.

THEY... HAD... A... BLAST! 

I think they'll always remember this! 
I know I sure will. 
I picture us still laughing years from now saying, 
"Remember when the washing machine was broken? And we had to wash clothes in the bath tub!!!" 

(Now, I'm kinda glad washing machine bit the dust! We'll always have this fun memory!)


  1. don't wash your panties send them to me so I can sniff and lick the crotch mmmmmmmmm lovely young cunie

  2. they have to many clothes on for the tub, i can't see their tiny twats, also they need to pee in the water
