Well, we all have been fighting sickness it seems since Easter. Easter morning I got the girls up because Philip always has to be at church early. I got myself ready and got them all dressed up in their Easter dresses and such, drove all the way to church, and as soon as I pulled into a parking space Kayla threw up all over herself! Didn't see that coming. So, I spent my Easter morning in the parking lot of the church cleaning up Kayla. Philip did come out to help me a little, but had to go back inside and run sound. I took her inside to clean her up in the bathroom sink. I'm sure the people in the building thought I was murdering my own child by the way she was screaming! She didn't understand why I was trying to wash her in the sink and was panicking! (By the way, after she was clean she was fine) Oh the joys of parenting.... Anyways, We also went to a family wedding this past weekend. The girls were still sick; Hannah came down with whatever Kayla had too by this time. But we went anyway because the girls were supposed to be flower girls in my cousin's wedding. The whole trip we dealt with two sick girls: high fevers, coughing fits, and other gory details I won't mention. The whole time we considered going home every couple hours. But miraculously, during the most important times, they acted like they felt fine and were able to participate as flower girls. Hannah loved it!!! So, now it seems Philip and I have whatever they had. But we're continuing to plow through and get things done, along with sniffles and coughs. Things do need to get done and they don't wait even if you're sick. Which leads me to what has been going on with our family lately.
Drum roll please....... wait for it......... We are in the process of applying and moving forward to host an orphan from Eastern Europe for 5 weeks this summer! I'll let that sink in....... Yes, this will be like a mission trip for us this summer. Except the mission is coming to us! We are so excited to be working with a Christian organization, New Horizons for Children, that brings orphans from Latvia, Ukraine, and Russia to the USA twice a year to be temporarily hosted with loving families. We are in the process of gathering deposit money, application paperwork, gathering references, background checks, and getting clearances from the Dept. of Family and Child Services. (DFCS) This is an opportunity that we just couldn't pass up. We are so happy and willing to be used by God this summer to help and nurture a child that doesn't even know how a real family operates.
You know as a mom, sometimes I've felt like what can I do that will impact the world? I'm always at home changing diapers, doing the laundry, and feeding everybody. It's not like I can just pack up and leave my babies and go on a mission trip right now in my life. So, this is just right up my alley. They need moms and families to mother, encourage, and minister to these children. The goals of this program are many, but first of all it is to expose these children to the Gospel and the love of Christ. These children also need to see a functioning family. They won't know what that is, coming from an orphanage, unless we model that to them. They also need their English improved. Most jobs in these countries require a person to be fluent in English. Most of the children are taught English from an early age in school. But, they are usually behind. What better way for them to learn than being immersed in a language for 5 weeks? They return back 2-4 semesters ahead of their peers in English. What a confidence boost for an orphan!
I am so blessed with a husband that is willing to go on this journey as a family. You know, I came to him a couple of weeks ago with tears in my eyes saying, "I think this is what we need to do this summer." He was looking at the brochure while I very briefly explained everything. He looked at me after I was done for a moment and without hesitation said, "Okay." And just like that we started on a mission for this summer. Philips feels the same way that I do about the many blessings God has given us. We want to use what He has given us for Him. We have extra space now that we moved to a new house. What better way to show how grateful we are than to share it with someone that has none? And then to be able to share with her about God's love, we are thrilled. We know that through this process everything won't be "sunshine and roses," but we are committed and know that some bumps in the road may be included. (I mean there will be a little bit of language and cultural barriers)
We are moving forward and have chosen a girl from Latvia who is 14. She speaks Russian and some English. Most of these children are malnourished and underprivileged. And they are usually 2 years behind mentally and physically than peers their age. But they are so grateful to have been chosen for this program. This organization meets and interviews many children and their teachers from many different orphanages. They choose certain ones to participate it is a big incentive for them. And the children are filled with hope that they will hopefully one day be chosen to come and visit America.
Please pray for our family as we are trying to get all the needed application money and paper work together by the end of this week. We will be starting our financial campaign soon for the needed funds to get her over here. Much like a normal mission trip. As soon as we know more information and more things are finalized, we will tell you more about her and post a picture! Thank you for your prayers!